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smiling face Coronavirus that is not Corona but Rejz of Partners; a Viral Alliance

Deena ADEL

Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

17- Dhu'l Qi'dah - 1441

08- July - 2020

09:17 AM

[According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns]


Coronavirus that is not Corona but Rejz of Partners; a Viral Alliance

Translator's note: The linguistic meaning of the Arabic word "Al-Rejz" is "Partners" and it is understood in the Quran according to context. It is either understood as "Partners" or "the torment of partners" sent by Allah to torment those who turn away from following the Caller to Allah, like the allied partners of locusts, lice, and frogs which Allah Sent to torment Pharoah and his people

In the name of Allaah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon the messengers and praise be to Allaah; Lord of the Worlds. May Allaah's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you, O righteous forerunner supporters, fear Allaah the One, the Overpowering and do not weaken in publishing the statements about the so-called Coronavirus and do not be overhasty in explaining them for truth seekers among mankind using what I have not stated in the statements! I did describe the coming virus(es) as "The Lions of all Viruses" and its singular form is "Lion", and I mean they are like lions in might and brutality, and that is it!

O my beloved supporters, your mistakes remain your mistakes and are not attributed to Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani since I do not and will not state in my statements about the so-called Coronavirus except for what I do know with knowledge of certainty in the Book of Allah, the Great Quran, but you are hasty! Perhaps you think I mean by Al-Ba'ouda (Arabic; the gnat) the known mosquito that transmits (diseases and infections) and bites, but you are wrong as Imam Mahdi must not contradict his ruling of truth, because I do not say about Allaah except for the truth and not just words based on assumptions, and I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorants

And I had previously given you a ruling in truth that the so-called Coronavirus has a known origin in the clear verses of the Great Quran; a new creation (somewhat like a gnat [Ba'ouda]) and they do not encompass knowledge about it, and [somewhat] refers to passive voice. And here has come the time for confirming the set forth example of the promised challenge in the Qur'an. Moreover, these types of viruses are new to mankind, long-living, terrestrial, nautical, and aerial. Also, they survive in winter and summer. They are miracles from Allaah, prepared and their source to survive different climates to be a global torment, also they are not like known epidemic viruses to mankind but they live long and settle in the human body. They plot against humanity through humans exclusively, then they live in the air after they get out of the human body and live without settling in any other body until Allah Wills, then they start infecting others. These viruses are directed by Allaah's command and He hits with them whoever He Wills and averts them away from whoever He Wills ,and their source has a significant role that is done super fast; that is [somewhat like a gnat] which you cannot see; new creation and a challenge from Allaah. It is like a military aircraft, but faster, and the difference is huge as it is even faster than your surface-to-air missiles and your rockets. It moves by Allaah's orders, Exalted is He! And its mission is to get inside human chests and quickly leaves its eggs inside in full speed, so its viral offsprings transfer from a human to another after they hatch. And they reproduce and split inside human bodies between humans like wildfire

Certainly, these viruses will never infect animals and birds no matter how they lie to you and they will never be able to bring a piece of clear scientific evidence to support their false claim. Also, they will never infect the visible gnat at all. Their invisible source (the invisible gnat) is an example presented in creation with the Word "be so it is" so this ba'ouda (gnat) was not created out of its male form (there is not a male form of it), and it was not laid in an egg by its mother as it does not have a mother as well! Nay, this gnat of the challenge is a new example of creation among nations of gnats and it was created by Allaah's Words of Power (the Word "be" so it is) that is different than the gnats you know; those who bite or transmit diseases, but far it is from them! On the other hand, it is among the scatterers of high, miraculous speed. It takes the chest of whomever it enters as an emplacement for its eggs so it scatters them super fast inside then it leaves the body in full speed leaving its eggs behind inside human chests and they hatch during the incubation period ,producing viruses that reproduce inside human bodies giving us viruses where their epicenter is the human chest

As for the factory of the gnat's eggs that leaves the body directly after it lays them inside is human chest since it uses humans as incubators for its eggs until they hatch and spread in human bodies like wildfire, and its epicenter is in chests. And the inner parts of the laid eggs infect other people, human to human infection, through the air as they float in the air and remain there. Definitely, they are living organisms floating around us in the air and not just a mere pandemic that shall pass, like it or not! As pandemics are temporary, but I did not announce it to people as a temporary global pandemic, but a global torment that is continuous day and night in different countries by the command of Allaah the One, the Overpowering in varying degrees from one person to another and for all are degrees from what they have done, some of them are warnings and others are widespread evil. Definitely, the new ba'ouda, the mother (of new different kinds of viruses), is a new global calamity of the lesser torment that perhaps you may yield to Allaah, your Lord, and supplicate to Him in regret and repentance to bestow His mercy upon you so He removes His torment from you so you follow His Book, the Great Quran, and obey Allaah and His caliph on the worlds; His servant: Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. And do not act arrogantly towards Allaah's caliph lest HE curses you a mighty curse as He did to Satan who was too proud to obey and accept Adam as a caliph, and Adam was the first of Allaah's caliphs from mankind, so do not think that Imam Mahdi is stupid as indeed I am smart and fully aware of what I am saying, and I am still insisting on the fact that the so-called Coronavirus is a living organism that splits and divides inside human bodies; and it is not to be found anywhere in pigs, donkeys, cows, camels or all cattle. And all animals and birds have absolutely nothing to do with this global torment that is continuous day and night and in different climates around the world

Also, I bear witness that these viruses are different from those who cannot live except in bodies ,that experienced virologists are aware of, but they and their origin, the invisible ba'ouda, cannot be defeated through all your insecticides; but they will still live in your bodies, air, sea, land, and different climates; like it or not! And they will not exist forever, only until you humbly submit to Allaah's caliph and follow the Book of Allah, the Great Quran, and disbelieve in all that which contradicts the clear verses of the Great Quran, indeed I am to you a trustworthy adviser before Allaah obliterates faces and turn them toward their backs or curse them as He cursed As-Haab As-Sabt (People of Saturday) a mighty curse if He Wills, in case the admonition of the torment of Al-Ba'ouda that is coming out of its eggs which split and divide

causing the torment of chests, and each is split and cloven that perhaps you may believe. For example, one seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains, look at this grain you eat; it did split and divide into hundred grains out of only one single grain. And this example is for you to know the intended meaning of split and division, as I do not say words to you in vain; thence, fear Allaah the One the Overpowering

O arrogant ones, I also warn you of a torment that is most bitter and disastrous, and people who believe in the Great Quran will know I am truthful and say nothing but the truth, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted:

{ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَسْتَحْيِي أَن يَضْرِبَ مَثَلًا مَّا بَعُوضَةً فَمَا فَوْقَهَا فَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا فَيَعْلَمُونَ أَنَّهُ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّهِمْ } [البقرة: من الآية 26].

{Surely Allah does not shy away from using the parable of somewhat like a ba'ouda [gnat] or what is above it. As for the believers, they know that it is the truth from their Lord.} 2:26

Obviously, the problem lies within the comments made by (my) supporters out of their own words in their own clarifications! They explain to the world details of the news before they are even detailed by the Awaited Mahdi from the clear verses of the Reminder (Quran). On the contrary, they explain to them using the information provided by doctors, based on what Imam Nasser Mohammed has not said!

O my supporters, I am really full of wonder! Allaah's caliph announces the challenge of Allaah, the One, the Overpowering of an invisible torment from where they do not know, and human physicians have no encompassing knowledge about it as it is from where they do not know

Indeed, I, Imam Mahdi, am aware of what I say and I do not say about Allaah except for what I know with knowledge of certainty. Also, I am not going to do as they do and leave one train to another, and the reason why they do so is that they are still lacking knowledge about it. I still have details from the clear verses of the Great Quran but one thing at a time and I shall leave them in their transgression wandering blindly as they still have not admitted yet it is a torment of painful everlasting rejz from Lord of the worlds; even Muslims who act like atheists! I am going to leave them till they acknowledge the truth from their Lord or He shall increase them in torment and open against them a door of severe torment since they are atheists and neither yielded to their Lord nor humbly supplicated

Verily, they shall know that Allaah's invisible, minor, and smart soldiers are going to triumph, take control, and gain victory by the permission of He who has Created, Sent, and Taught them how to plan; that is Allaah, Lord of the worlds, the Best of Planners. So do not let the liars and deniers among seculars in the world deceive you

The calamity of the so-called Coronavirus is still going on in the worlds, and I bear witness to Allaah and sufficient is He as a witness that the so-called Coronavirus IS NOT MAN-MADE as they claim it is biological but they are liars. I swear by Allaah they cannot create anything, neither gnats nor flies even if they gathered together for this purpose, but the so-called Coronavirus is a living organism that is created by Allaah, O you who deny Allaah, now show me what others than Him Created if you should be truthful? And you are still experiencing the lesser torment that is going to intensify from bad to worse as Allaah has started His war against you and that is an irreversible decision by Allaah, the Exalted, until the promise of Allah comes, indeed He does not break His promise, and His light will be perfected even if wrongdoers hated its manifestness

Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allaah Lord of the worlds. Allaah's caliph and servant; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani


Translated by: Deena ADEL



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