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Reply of awaited Mahdi to Dr.Ahmed Amro who denies Allah’s gratification is The greatest bliss

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

Imam Nassir Mohamad Al-yamani

10 - 04 - 1434H

20 - 02 - 2013 AD

03:39 am

Reply of awaited Mahdi to Dr.Ahmed Amro who denies Allah’s gratification is The greatest bliss

Imam Nassir Mohamad Al-yamani

10 - 04 - 1434H

20 - 02 - 2013 AD

03:39 am

Reply of awaited Mahdi to Dr.Ahmed Amro who denies Allah’s gratification is The greatest bliss

In the name of Allah, the All Encompassing-Merciful,

The Continuously-Merciful, and blessings and peace be upon all the prophets and messengers of Allah, from the first of them to the last of them, Mohammad the Messenger of Allah, and on their pure (i.e., their hearts’ dispositions are free from evil) family. O you who believe, pray for them and surrender with full submission (i.e., to their calling). We do not differentiate between any one of His messengers, and to Him we are Muslims (i.e., submitters to worship Him). This being said,

O Dr. Ahmed Amro, first things first. We will quote the contents of your statement written in red text. Dr. Ahmed Amro said the following:

(The anger of Allah (against His enemies), which is an eternal attribute of Allah, existed before creation. He did not acquire the attribute of anger after He created His enemies. We believe in this because Allah is eternal and does not have attributes that He acquires, as do all other creations (of Allah). On the attribute of gratification: Allah was characterized by this attribute before He began to create, exalted is He. That is to say, Allah’s gratification is attained by whomever gives thanks; on the other hand, His gratification is not attained by those who disbelieve in Him. This attribute is as written in the book, and as it is stated, we believe in it. We know that it is eternal, does not change and does not get replaced. Allah did not acquire this attribute after the creation had thanked Him, thereby causing Him to become gratified; neither did He become ungratified after the disbelief of the infidels. On the contrary, gratification is an attribute of God that is eternal, exalted is He. It existed before He created the creation).

End of Quotation from Ahmed Amro’s statement.

Then the awaited Mahdi, Nasir Mohammad Al-Yamani, responded to him, saying, “Oh man, you acknowledge that anger and gratification are attributes in Allah’s subjectivity, but you deny that anger in Allah’s subjectivity against His slaves can be transformed into gratification on the pretext that the attributes of Allah are eternal and do not change. Then the convincing case will be held against you by the awaited Mahdi-the slave of the outmost Bliss- Nasir Muhammad al-Yamani, and I say: O respected Doctor Ahmed Amro, you made a mistake, for you made Allah’s gratification and anger among the attributes of Allah’s eternal entity.

Subsequently, Imam Al-Mahdi responds to that argument, saying: “Rather, anger and gratification are among the attributes of Allah’s subjectivity, exalted and elevated is He.

Moreover, go forth (with me) so as to learn what Allah’s eternal attributes are. They are: the attributes of His ‘entity.’ Exalted is He.”

“One of Allah’s eternal attributes of ‘entity’ is that He is “The One” and there is nothing like unto Him in creation, and He did not give birth, nor was He born, and no eyes will be able to perceive Him. These are among the eternal attributes that do not change. Basically, Allah is greater than everything. Nothing is like Him when it comes to the measurement of His ‘entity’; exalted is He! Moreover, Allah is greater than all of His creation combined. Hence, Allah describes His ‘entity’ to be the greatest. Meaning, to anything great, He is the utmost; the superlative to all that is great, exalted is He! The attribute of being The Greatest is one of the attributes of Allah’s ‘entity.’ “

“As for the attributes of subjectivity, they are a great bounty to us. Suppose they had not been volitional in Allah’s subjectivity, this would have caused the greatest distress upon His slaves.The fact of the matter is, attributes of subjectivity are a mercy to all slaves (of Allah). From among the attributes of Allah’s subjectivity is to attain gratification after He was angry; hereby, the substitution of gratification for anger. Therein lies what is good for His slaves. But, if it was not for the replacement of anger with gratification, this would have been a major distress to His slaves. If it was not for the replacement of anger with gratification, then whoever Allah is angry with would despair of Allah’s mercy without ever attaining His gratification, if it were true what is being said, that anger is an eternal attribute of God that does not change, according to the verdict of Dr. Ahmed Amro.”

“Oh man, I, the awaited Imam Mahdi, invite people to reflect on the attributes of Allah; at the spirit of Allah’s subjectivity are the attributes of mercy, generosity, and forgiveness. From among Allah’s subjectivity-attributes, which are shared with His slaves, into whom He blew His spirit, by the power of His words, is, for example, the attribute of mercy. From among His slaves, “the merciful people” share this attribute with Him. That is why He calls Himself “the Most Merciful of the Merciful,” [The Prophets:Verse 38:], meaning the attribute of mercy is not unique to Allah alone, excluding his slaves (from having it), but He is the Most Merciful out of those who are merciful. Also the attribute of generosity is not unique to Him alone, but rather He sets it in some of His slaves: those are ”the generous people.” That is why He calls Himself “The Most Generous.” His generosity is superlative to those who are generous. Also, the attribute of forgiveness is an attribute that characterizes ”the forgiving people.” Allah has not given a verdict that forgiveness solely describes Himself. That is why He describes Himself: “The Utmost Forgiving above all those who forgive” [surah Al-Anbiya:verse 155]; For He surpasses His slaves in being forgiving. That is why you find that Allah calls Himself ‘The Best of the Forgiving’.”

“Indeed, the attribute of gratification is one of the supremely-bona fide names of Allah. Allah sets it as one of the names of His attributes of subjectivity. It is not one of Allah's eternal attributes of His ‘entity.’ His eternal attributes cannot be replaced. Rather, the attributes of anger or gratification, which are subjectivity-attributes of Allah, are susceptible to be replaced with one another, whereby they can be transformed. So the attribute of anger in Himself turns into gratification.

Moreover, we find in the book (i.e.,The Qur’an) that the attributes of Allah's subjectivity are susceptible to increase or decrease. An example: Allah, the Most High saying, ‘And they brought in anger from Allah.’ Truthful is Allah, the Greatest, [Al-Baqarah: 61]. But when their disbelief and intransigence increases, then Allah’s anger within Himself increases. As affirmed by Allah the Most High saying, ‘So [on themselves] they brought in anger upon anger. As for the disbelievers they are set for humiliating punishment’.”

Truthful is Allah, the Greatest. [Al-Baqarah: 90]

“And God's anger within Himself, against His slaves, rises according to the increase in the level of sin from His slave. Therefore, the degree of Allah’s anger against His slave, whose sins are few, is not equal to the degree of Allah’s anger against the most corrupt criminal slave on Earth. Each has his share of torment that is directly proportional to the amount of anger against him within Allah’s self. Indeed, the amount of anger against him within Allah’s self is as much as his sins, with no injustice done, and your Lord does not make injustice to anyone.”

“As for the attribute of gratification, from Allah’s subjectivity, you will find those who take the attainment of Allah’s gratification as a means, therefore; you will find them not interested except for Allah’s gratification with them to be attained and this suffices them. However, Imam Mahdi gives a verdict, in truth, that this is only part of the gratification of Allah’s subjectivity; meaning, this is “partial gratification” when it pertains to a slave who has attained Allah’s gratification with him (only). But, as for Allah’s gratification within Allah’s self: Gratification within Allah’s self can never be achieved until All of His slaves are encompassed in His mercy, therein “complete” gratification will be attained. Moreover, truly, His promise is truthful, and He is the Most Merciful.”

“But the problem of many of Allah’s slaves is that they despair of Allah’s mercy, exalted is He. Indeed, the greatest transgression on one’s self is to despair of the mercy from the Most Merciful. Allah, elevated is He, said: ‘Certainly no one despairs of Allah's reviving-spirit, except the people who disbelieve’.”

Truthful is Allah the Greatest

[Surah Yusef:87]

“Meaning, no one despairs of the reviving-spirit of mercy from the Most Merciful, except the disbelievers. It is because mercy is a spirit-attribute within Allah’s subjectivity. This attribute is not known to those who do not give proper measure (of stature) to their Lord where it is due; they did not truly know Him. But, if they truly know Allah the way He should be known then you would not find them seeking the mercy that is in the spirit of the Angels’, those wardens of Jahannam. To this, Allah, elevated is He, has said: ‘And those in the Fire will say to the wardens of Hell, ‘Supplicate to your Lord to lighten for us a day of chastisement’.’(49)

They will say: ‘Did there not come to you, your Messengers with (clear) evidence and signs?’ They will say: ‘Yes.’ They will reply: ‘Then call (as you like)! And the invocation of the disbelievers is nothing but futile!’ (50) ,

Truthful is Allah the Greatest

[Surah: Ghafer]

Meaning, the supplication for those disbelievers- not believing in the attribute of mercy which is within Allah’s subjectivity, that He is the Most Merciful; yet, they leave Him and they call upon His slaves instead of Him. They seek the mercy of the angels, to have it in them, so as to intercede for them before Allah to lighten for them a day of chastisement. But, Allah describes their supplication to be futile. Also, Allah gives them the name of being disbelievers; although, those disbelievers they are no longer disbelieving in their Lord’s ‘entity.’ On the contrary, they became believers of Allah, that there is no God but He, alone He is without associating partners to Him; yet, Allah is naming them ‘disbelievers’. Even though they no longer disbelieve in Allah’s ‘entity’. Moreover, Allah’s intent to address them as such, not because they rejected Allah’s ‘entity’; rather, they have realized the truth of Allah’s ‘entity,’ that He is the One God, the Subduer, there is no God but Him and no deity except Him, but Allah still calls them unbelievers because they are still ignorant of God's spirit-attributes within Himself. These are His quintessential attributes, exalted is He. They (i.e., the disbelievers in Hell) were still blinded on knowing their Lord as they used to when they were in this world. Therefore, Allah elevated is He, said,

‘And whoever is blind in this [life] will be blind in the Hereafter and more futile from the way.’

Truthful is Allah the Greatest

[Surah Isra:72]

This means they will be blind to the attributes of Allah- His subjectivity-exalted He is.”

“Furthermore, among the subjectivity-attributes of Allah is the attribute of mercy; surely, His promise is truthful and He is the Most Merciful, superlative to those who are merciful. It is because they did not give proper measure to their Lord’s stature as it should be rightfully held in this life; in the same token, in the hereafter we find them not giving proper measures to their Lord’s stature, the way it should be given. That is why we find them asking His slave instead of Him to intercede for them with their Lord! But how can they intercede with the One who is more merciful to them than their fathers, mothers, sons and clans. Also, He is more merciful than His close angels. Furthermore, He is more merciful to them than all human beings and jinns combined. Truly, His promise is truthful, and He is the Most Merciful, superlative to those who are merciful.

And that is what Allah invites us to know. That is, for us to get to know the spirit of His subjectivity-attributes, exalted and elevated is He. They are the underlying attributes, for they are the quintessentials of Allah’s attributes, greatly exalted is He and elevated high (in stature and being) far above from what they are claiming as associate partners with Him .

Indeed, from among the spirit-attributes of Allah’s subjectivity are mercy, anger and gratification. Indeed, attainment of Allah’s gratification with His slaves is a greater bliss than His Paradise.

(The next paragraph is in response to another member along with Dr. Amro’s argument.)

I don’t see (the membership) is befitting this proponent who calls himself “a servant of the messenger of Allah.” I don’t see him as a member of the good foremost proponents. It is because he rejects the attribute of Allah’s gratification within Allah’s subjectivity, that is to say this attribute is greater than the bliss of paradise. Therefore, we have ordered to strip the title (member of the good foremost proponents) from him, until he becomes of those who are certain. He should return to be a truth seeker; along with arguing with Imam Mahdi Nassir Mohamed Al-Yamani until either he establishes his case against us, or we establish our case- with the truth- against him. If he was rebuking any argument from us besides (the attribute) the superlative great Bliss, then we would not have ordered to strip the title from him. He does have the right to argue with us, nevertheless (here) his argument was to rebuke the foundation which the calling of The Mahdi was established on, that the bliss of Allah’s gratification is the superlative bliss greater than paradise’s (bliss). Also, he rebukes our verdict that Allah bemoans within Himself; he just wants sorrow to be exclusively in His slaves. Furthermore, he claims that he (is anointed) has the knowledge of the book or part of it. Therefore, O you who name yourself “the servant of the messenger of Allah”, it’s ideal for you to go back as a member of the faction that argues with Imam Mahdi -the slave of The Superlative Great Bliss. You are similar to Dr. Ahmed Amro who argues with us on our calling to establish Allah’s gratification-this is the superlative bliss to His slave that is greater than paradise.

Oh my, indeed, exalted is Allah! O honorable Dr. Ahmed Amro. How is it possible for you to give a verdict that Allah’s gratification is nothing but a part of bliss? Oh man, had it not been for Allah’s gratification with them, they would not have (even) smelled the scent of the paradisal bliss from a distance of a thousand years; Rather, Allah’s gratification is the foundation. Furthermore, Allah did not create His creation except for worshiping Him alone, with no partner with Him, thereby they follow Allah’s gratification. This is the reason He made paradise as a recompense for the ones who follow His gratification, and fire as a penalty for the ones who follow Allah’s resentment. (Advice) Do not be from among those who are ignorant!

We are a people whom Allah loves and who love Him.

We have taken Allah’s gratification as the ultimate goal and we will not have gratification-contentment until His gratification is attained because that is the greatest bliss for us, and this does not mean that we do not want Allah's paradise; who can reject the gardens of bliss? Oh man! but the fact of the matter is, how could we be delighted with gardens of bliss and Hur Ein

(i.e., new kind of creation- women with outstanding beautiful wide eyes), yet the most beloved to our souls is bemoaning their situation (i.e., that of the slaves in Hell-fire) and is sad regarding His futile slaves? Who hears them say, as their faces turn in the fire (i.e., The Day their faces will be turned about in the Fire) Allah The Most High said, they will say,

"How we wish we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger."(66) And they shall say: O our Lord! Surely we obeyed our leaders and our great men, so they led us astray from the path; (67) Our Lord! Oh, give them double torment and curse them with a mighty curse.(68)

Truthful is Allah the Greatest.

[Surah: Al-Ahzab]

“O (servant of the messenger of Allah), Do not deviate Allah's words from their intended purpose, where Allah, elevated Most High, has said: Ah! Alas for (My) Slaves! There comes not a messenger to them but they mock him! (30) Have they not seen how many generations, living before them, had We destroyed and they cannot ever come back to them? (31) But each one of them all will be brought before Us (for judgment)”. (32)

Truthful is Allah the Greatest

[Surah: Ya Seen]

And oh man, you deny that Allah is bemoaning in Himself. This is because you are ignorant about what defines attributes that are the spirit of Allah’s subjectivity. Also, you are unable to discern between Allah’s subjectivity-attributes and His “entity” attributes. Indeed, His “entity” attributes are His eternal attributes, and do not get replaced or changed neither in this world nor in the hereafter. But Imam Mahdi is calling you to be enlightened about the spirit-attributes of your Lord. They are the attributes of Himself, elevated is He. From among (the spirit-attribute) the attribute of gratification of Himself, this is the superlative bliss greater than the paradisal bliss to those who Allah loves and who love Him. That is why they will never have gratification-contentment until His gratification is attained. They do testify to this as well. Also, they testify that Imam Mahdi is truly the slave who is the expert about The All Encompassing Merciful. This is in assertion to Allah’s, elevated high is He, saying: “He who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days and then finalized (i.e., creation) with the Throne, therein, establishing the barrier between creation and the creator- (there above) is The All Encompassing Merciful (Al-Rahman), so ask an expert about Al-Rahman.”

Truthful is Allah the Greatest

(verse 59, Surah Al-Furqan)

Hereby, peace upon the messengers and all praise is due to Allah

Your brother, imam,The Mahdi, the slave of The Utmost Bliss,

Nassir Mohamad Al-Yamani.


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