Imam Mahdi (the Guided Leader), Nassir Muhammad Al-Yamani
18 Rajab 1442 H
02-03-2021 A.D
04:12 P.M
(According to Official Calendar Time of Umm ALQURA (Mecca))
Announcing the date of Laylat Al-Qadr (The Night for the ensuing Decree), for it is better than a thousand months (before it). This is for those of you who wish to step forward or fall behind.
In the name of Allah, The All-Encompassing Merciful, The Ever-Continuously Merciful
1. Ha. Mim.
2. By that evident Book.
3. Lo! We revealed it on a blessed night - Lo! We are ever warning -
4. Whereon every wise decree is going to bring about a deciphering ending, resulting in a separation (i.e., separation of right-doers and wrongdoers to winners and losers).
5. A command coming from Us- Lo! We have it in Us to always keep sending - (i.e., warners).
6. Therein, it is a mercy from your Lord. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
7. Lord of the heavens and the Earth and all that is between them. Lo! If only you carried this with conviction.
8. There is no God but Him. He Who gives life and death; your Lord and Lord of your ancient forefathers.
9. Yet; of this they are in doubt and going about playing around.
10. Hence, O you (i.e. the anointed witness for that day “The Mahdi”), be in a state of anticipation for the day when the sky will produce visible smoke
11. That will envelop all the people. This will be a painful chastisement.
12. (Then they will say): Our Lord, withdraw this chastisement from us. Lo! Now we are believers.
13. How could they not remember, though an evident messenger had already come to them,
14. And they had turned away from him and said: (He is a) coached madman?
15. Lo! We are going to withdraw this chastisement for a little bit. Lo! You are going to return. ((i.e., to old ways of wrongdoing)
16. Lo! On this day is when We shall strike you; it is the greatest blow, Lo! We are going to vindicate.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter-AL-Du’khaan | The Smoke
From the Trustee/Deputy of Allah to the world, Imam Al-Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani to all humans in the nomadic and civilian areas extending from all points of the rising places from the east to all points of setting places to the west, on the Earth. Bear witness against yourselves (all mankind, both Muslim and infidel), and Allah suffices to be the witness between me and you, that I announced to you that the sun has overtaken the moon and the crescent was born before the Geocentric New Moon ; whereby the moon made the conjunction with the sun as a crescent, thus, signaling an alarm to humans. But warning avails not those from mankind who do not use their wits, they are like cows; no matter how many times the Sun overtakes the Moon, for two or three nights, they still will deny this cosmic sign of attestation that affirms the Trustee/Deputy of Allah, Al-Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani, and affirms the preconditions of the Great Hour. It is as if they did not notice the Moon had risen as a full moon before reaching the night of the middle of the month. They are just like cattle; no, in fact, they are more heedless than cattle, those who deny their hearing, sight, and mind, and instead follow every arrogant and stubborn one who obstructs them from facts found in the verses of the glorious Qur’an. It was those arrogant astrophysicists who let their egotism take them over, with obstinacy, while they held onto their wrongdoing, after it became clear to them that the sign is the truth from their Lord. There are also those who obeyed their leaders to conceal the sign that gives credence to believing in the Trustee/Deputy of Allah, Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani. Even though the fact of the matter is that, if the leaders of the Muslims and the entire world will believe in the Trustee/Deputy of Allah, Al-Mahdi Nasser Muhammad, Allah will forgive them for their extravagance in their affairs, and Allah will empower them more in their current state of glory. Then, how can they deny the sign of the Moon, to be a full moon before its due date?
This is due to the Sun overtaking the Moon. For they (astrophysicists) take those lost Muslims for a fool. Those (lost Muslims) are the ones who believe the arrogant and the repressive and deny their own minds and eyes. Truly, those are the ones who do not have wits and are not able to see. It is a wonder, do they want to keep watching until that last night when the night precedes the day? Or until a decree comes directly from Allah, by the word “Be,” and it will be? For after the decree, no aid will be forthcoming to them. And Allah Almighty said,
98. If only there had been a single township (i.e., of all those that were destroyed of old), which believed, their belief would have been a benefit to them. The only exception was from the people of Jonah! When they believed We withdrew from them the chastisement that was imposed as a disgrace in this lower earthly life, and We had let them enjoy worldly comfort for a while.
99. If it had been your Lord's will, (i.e., concept of predestination),
then all who are on earth would have believed!
Will you then compel mankind, against their will, to be believers!
100. It is set, no soul can believe,
except by Allah’s permission upon it to do so.
He has set defilement (i.e., causing a benighted soul) to be upon,
those who do not use their wits.
101. Say (i.e., Muhammad, peace be upon him): Behold what is in the heavens and the Earth. Lo! But revelations and warnings are not going to avail folk who are not going to believe.
102. Do they then expect (anything) other than (what happened in) the days of the men who passed away before them? Say: "Wait, I, too, wait with you among the
103. Then shall We save Our messengers and the believers, in like manner (as of old). It is incumbent upon Us to save believers.
104. 104. Say (i.e., O Muhammad peace be upon him): O mankind! If you are in doubt of my religion, (know that) I do not worship those whom you worship instead of Allah. Lo! But I worship Allah Who will take your souls (i.e., at death and sleep) and I am commanded to be (in the ranks) of the Believers.
105. And, (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) set your face (i.e., direction in life) resolutely, without veering away from religion, and be not of those who ascribe partners (to Allah).
106. Nor call on any, other than Allah; - Such will neither profit you nor hurt you: But, if you do, behold! You are certainly of those benighted souls.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Yunus | Jonas
Furthermore, I seek refuge in Allah so as to not be from among those oppressors, but rather I worship Allah sincerely in my religion. I have been ordered to be among the Muslims (people who submit to Allah) who are followers of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah ’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family and give peace). I call to Allah, having the insight of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah ’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family). Allah did not make me an envoy to be an innovator. On the contrary, I am a follower of the seal of all prophets and messengers, Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah ’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family). To follow him is to base my arguments with people using the insightful clarity, which was revealed to him from his Lord, found in the Great Qur’an, in keeping with Allah Almighty’s saying:
105. And how many Signs in the heavens and the Earth do they pass by? Yet they turn their back on.
106. And most of them believe in Allah, yet they do so while allotting their belief to others! As such they are polytheists.
107. Do they have a guarantee of security which causes them to feel safe from the covering cloud holding within it a chastisement from Allah; - or else, will the Hour come and take them by surprise while they perceive not?
108. Say: "This is my way: I do invite unto Allah, - with the insightful clarity, - I and whoever follows me. Exalted Allah, above likeness and deficiency He is! and I am not one of those polytheists."
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Yusuf | Joseph
And Allah has brought about my name to give a report of who I am, (Nasser Muhammad) the proponent of Muhammad. So, it is not ever fitting, until The Day when we all are adjourned to meet, for Allah to send Imam Al Mahdi (i.e., Guided Leader) Nasser Muhammad, as a supporter for any one of these parties of discord and hypocrisy. So, listen, comprehend, and use your wits. Allah, The Proud, The Praiseworthy, gave me the position of envoy, having the true elucidation of the glorified Qur’an, whereby He made it (Qur’anic Elucidation) like a sword drawn with my right-hand, made of iron; in order to cut off with it the tongue of every stubborn, mighty man. I do so, not by bloodshed; but by authoritative knowledge. I make you face two choices, either to believe in the mighty Qur’an, or to cover, in disbelief, this reminder from Allah, the mighty Qur’an. Hereby, whoever disbelieves, his fate is to go to Hell, and whoever follows the caller to Allah, His Trustee/Deputy, the Mahdi,” The Guided,” Nasser Muhammad, to follow the Great Qur’an, has been guided to a straight path.
I have not called upon people to shed each other’s blood! Whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve. Allah has only sent the Great Qur’an as a mercy to the worlds to guide them to paths of peace between one another, in keeping with the words of Allah Almighty:
15. O People of the Book, there has come to you Our Messenger elucidating to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and granting a reprieve over much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a lucid Book
16. Wherewith Allah guides he, who acts in accordance with His self-gratification, to the ways of peace and safety. (He) leads them out of darkness, by His will, unto the light, and guides them to a path that is straight.
17. In blasphemy indeed are those that say that Allah is Christ, the son of Mary. Say: "Who then has the least power against Allah, if His will were to destroy Christ, the son of Mary, his mother, and everyone that is on the Earth? For to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the Earth, and all that is between. He creates what He pleases. For Allah has power over all things."
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Maaida | The Table
O kindred of Muslims, Jews, Christians, and all other lost people from all sorts, you are not holding to anything (of truth) until you follow the perfected verses of what was revealed to you by your Lord in the Great Qur’an. It prevents man’s oppression against his fellow man. For it forbids committing bloodshed of human beings against one another; it forbids the killing of a disbeliever in Allah on the premise of his infidelity, and it forbids the killing of a Muslim on the premise of his submission to Allah (Islam). For each one is going to be reckoned in front of His Lord. So, whoever wishes, let him believe, and whoever wishes, let him disbelieve. As per the words of Allah Almighty:
29. Say, "The truth is from your Lord": it is by your will if you want to believe. Also, it is by your will if you want to cover, in disbelief. Lo and behold, for the wrongdoers We have prepared a Fire whose covering encircles them. If they implore relief, they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces. How dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on!
30. As to those who believe and work righteousness, verily We shall not do away with compensating anyone who carried a good deed in the best of manners.
31. For them will be Gardens of Eternity; beneath them rivers will flow. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade. They will recline therein on raised thrones. How good the recompense! How beautiful a couch to recline on!
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Kahf | The Cave
The Great Qur’an prohibits terrorism by an infidel against a Muslim, and forbids terrorism by a Muslim against an infidel, as per the words of Allah Almighty:
1. Say: "O you folk covering the truth, in disbelief,
2. "I worship not that which you worship,
3. "Nor do you worship that which I worship.
4. "And I will not worship that which you are worshipping.
5. "Nor will you worship that which I am worshipping.
6. "To you be your religion, and to me my religion (i.e. Islamic Monotheism)."
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Kaafiroon | The Disbelievers
Perhaps one of the inquirers would like to say: Oh, Nasser Muhammad, in the chapter “The Unbelievers,” isn’t it supposed to be sufficient to say the following verses, as Allah, exalted is He, has said:
1.Say: "O you folk covering the truth, in disbelief,
2. "I worship not that which you worship,
3. "Nor do you worship that which I worship.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Why were the same verses repeated in one chapter? Take a look at the repetition in Chapter “Al-Kafirun” (The Disbelievers). Allah, exalted is He, has said:
1. Say: "O you folk covering the truth, in disbelief,
2. "I worship not that which you worship,
3. "Nor do you worship that which I worship.
4. "And I will not worship that which you are worshipping.
5. "Nor will you worship that which I am worshipping.
6. "To you be your religion, and to me my religion (i.e. Islamic Monotheism)."
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Kaafiroon | The Disbelievers
Then Imam al-Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani, the Trustee/Deputy of Allah, over the worlds, responds to the questioners, saying: Regarding the command of Allah Almighty to His Messenger, when they wanted to bargain with him to alternate his worshipping, so he would worship their gods at times, and they would worship Allah, themselves, at other times, Allah commanded him to say:
1. Say: "O you folk covering the truth, in disbelief,
2. "I worship not that which you worship,
3. "Nor do you worship that which I worship.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
He means, everyone worships as he pleases. So, whoever wants to worship Allah alone, he may do so; and whoever wants to worship other than Allah, a false god, so he may worship; for his reckoning will be with his Lord. As for what you consider to be repeated verses in His saying:
4. "And I will not worship that which you are worshipping.
He (Allah) means that (He ordered Muhammad to say),
“You have no right to coerce me to worship your gods.”
As per what’s meant by His saying
5. "Nor will you worship that which I am worshipping.
He (Allah) means that (He ordered Muhammad to say), “I have no right to coerce you to worship my Allah, the only Allah, alone is He, my Lord and yours. For there is no compulsion in the religion from Allah.”
As per His saying:
6. "To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islamic Monotheism)."
He (Allah) means, between a man and his fellow man, there is to be freedom of worship; you have your religion and I have mine. As Allah, exalted is He, says:
14. Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): "Allah Alone I worship; I do so by performing religious deeds for His sake only.
15. Thus, go ahead and worship what you will besides Him.
Say (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): "Lo! The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be an evident loss!"
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Az-Zumar | The Groups
Perhaps one of the inquirers would like to say: Oh, Nassir Muhammad. Did not Allah, exalted He is, say,
60. And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides whom you may not know, but whom Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.
61. But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and (put your) trust in Allah. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Anfaal | The Spoils of War
Then Imam Al-Mahdi responds to the questioners and says: Rather, Allah intends to say,
prepare what force and means you can muster to have the strength to be ready to fight, in order to intimidate your enemy from fighting you and expelling you from your homes. Whereby, you make them refrain from wanting to fight you because of your religion. This happens when they see you ready to defend your religion, yourselves, your land and your homes, which causes them to be intimidated and refrain from fighting you because of your religion, driving you out of your homes, and inflicting aggression against you. Instead, they turn away from your fight, because they see you prepared and are ready to fight whoever wants to attack you.
He also means, by being prepared, you will also cease the evil of other enemies you do not know about; they too will fear you, so they will not attack you because of your preparation and your willingness to fight in defense of yourselves; Therefore, they fear attacking you. So, cause them to abstain from their evil. They turn away from cunning plots aimed to fight you, but they cease their evil (intentions) and their aggression because of your preparedness and readiness to fight whosoever wants to fight you due to aggression and injustice. Even though you are unaware that some of those (enemies) are an enemy to you, you are able to stop their evildoing. Due to your preparedness, you are able to stop the evildoing of both: those who declared their animosity and those who hide their animosity and scheme in secret, making plots against you. Likewise, you will stop the evil of your enemies, both visible and invisible, because of the preparation which is geared toward fighting to defend yourselves. As it is stated by the words of Allah, exalted high is He:
60. And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.
Truthful is Allah, The greatest.
Chapter Al-Anfaal | The Spoils of War
Whoever kills a Muslim on the pretext of his submission to The Lord of the Worlds, the ruling of Allah is to put to death the infidel who committed that act of aggression. In the same token, whoever kills an infidel on the pretext of disbelief in The Lord of the Worlds, the ruling of Allah is to put to death that Muslim who committed that act of aggression. Allah did not command to commit aggression against people on the pretext of their disbelief. Rather, only those who want to fight you out of aggression and injustice. Then and only then, you have the right to exert continuous efforts seeking Allah’s way in doing so when striving to defend yourselves. As per Allah, exalted high He is, say:
190. And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allah likes not the transgressors.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Baqara | The Cow
Consequently, whomsoever keeps their hands off you and refrains from fighting you, those Allah did not grant you a license to have your way with.
90. So if they withdraw from you, and fight not against you, and offer you peace, then Allah has opened no way for you against them.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter An-Nisaa | The Women
And do not call for peace those who want to fight you out of aggression and injustice, because calling on the aggressor for peace will be considered by them as capitulation and they will become cockier and more repulsive. That is what is meant by Allah, exalted is He, saying:
33. O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) and render not vain your deeds.
34. Verily, those who disbelieve, and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah (i.e., Islam); then die while they are disbelievers - Allah will not forgive them.
35. So do not lose heart nor ask for peace and you will have the upper hand; only if you are believers. Allah is with you, and He will never get rid of your works.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Muhammad | Muhammad
O kindred from mankind, this great Qur’an was sent by Allah as a mercy to you, to guide you to the ways for peace, to forbid the shedding of each other’s blood, to prohibit the theft of each other’s money, to forbid the plunder of each other’s money, and to forbid indecent assault on each other’s honor (i.e. sexual aggression). People must not be compelled to believe, for every person has the freedom of belief-this pertains to man and his fellow man. Allah forbids insulting one another’s god, that someone may not curse Allah outright in hostility, doing so in benightedness. In accordance with Allah, exalted high He is, saying:
[Believers], do not revile those they call on besides Allah lest they, in their hostility and ignorance, revile Allah. Likewise, We made the works (i.e., of their own social reality) adorned by them. Thereafter, to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them about what they used to do.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-An’aam | The Cattle
Each one has his own faith and religion, to Allah is his return. Thus, it is to Allah each one’s reckoning. So, stop corruption on Earth, and the bloodshed!
Allah forbids transgression against one another; forbids aggression against one another; orders Muslims to extend goodness to its fullness when dealing with the disbelievers,
interacting with them in the way of Islamic mingling, which is to treat them with full respect.
A Muslim must not have animosity or hatred towards an infidel; instead, Islam ordered the Muslims to extend goodness to its fullness towards disbelievers, polytheists and atheists, who do not fight you because of your religion, and they live with you peacefully. Allah’s order is to extend goodness to its fullness; give them their due credit justly; establish business relationships, friendships; express affection towards them; express brotherhood in light of all of us being humans. The fact of the matter is you are all the children of one man and one woman, blood brothers from Adam and Eve. So, obey the command of Allah- in His book, the great Qur'an, where it has perfect clarity- mentioned by Allah, exalted high He is, saying:
7. Perhaps Allah will put between you and those among whom you have been enemies, affection. And Allah is competent, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
8. Allah does not forbid you-when it comes to those who do not fight you due to your religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Mumtahana | (The Soul) Who is Under Examination
Perhaps one of those, who ramble about what they do not know, would like to say: O Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani, did Allah not say:
22. You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who cross the set boundaries of Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred (i.e., tribe). For such - He has written within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit (i.e., divine euphoric bliss) from Him. And We will admit them to gardens (i.e., heavenly paradise) beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him - those are the party of Allah. Unquestionably, the party of Allah- they are the successful.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Mujaadila | The Pleading One (Soul)
Then Imam Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani responds to the questioners and says: 'The Qur'an is in plain Arabic; hence, Allah is saying that those who cross the boundaries of Allah and his Messenger (i.e., those who are at war with Allah and His Messenger) are the ones Allah forbids us from associating with; furthermore, we are forbidden to even associate with the ones taking a stand with them, helping, in any way, their aggression against the Muslims. In accordance with Allah, exalted high He is, saying:
8. Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity.
9. It is only as regards to those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allah forbids you to associate with them. And whosoever will associate with them, then such are the benighted folk.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Mumtahana | (The soul) Who is Under Examination
Be God-fearing and respond to the call of His Trustee/Deputy, the Mahdi (i.e. The Guided One) Nasser Muhammad, to achieve pathways for world peace between man and his fellow man; to achieve peaceful coexistence between a Muslim and an infidel; to achieve security, safety, and justice; and not to cause crops and offspring to perish; to demolish terrorism by the infidel against a Muslim under the pretext that his faith is Islam; and to demolish terrorism by a Muslim against the unbeliever under the pretext of his infidelity; and by the grace of Allah you will become brothers.

And perhaps all Muslim people would like to say concurrently: O, Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani, you have caused us to rejoice with this title of the elucidation in which you will inform us when the Night of Decree (i.e., by Allah) will occur in the month of Ramadan, for this year 1442. So, tell us when the Night of Decree is, in the coming month of Ramadan, if you are of the truthful ones; and if it is true that the Sun will overtake the Moon causing the birth of the crescent before its set time, followed by the Sun’s conjunction with the Moon, although it is a crescent. So, tell us, how do we come to know, with firm knowledge, the Night of Decree- the night that is better than a thousand months? Then Imam Al Mahdi Nasser Muhammad would respond to you and say: “It is in your year 1427,” and perhaps all Muslims from all nationalities would like to say: Are you taking us for a fool, Nasser Muhammad? Where have you been...sleeping? Fifteen years have passed from Ramadan 1427 to Ramadan 1442. Then Imam Al Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani would reply to you: By Allah, yes, I know this knowledge with certainty; and no, I am not taking you for a fool. I seek refuge in Allah from doing so, and from being of the ignorant ones. Let me have your attention. A year on the Moon is thirty years, as per the perfectly clear, Great Qur'an. Therefore, half a year on the Moon is fifteen years (i.e., on Earth). Therefore, I testify, and it suffices to have Allah as a witness, that the night of the middle of Ramadan for this year you are in, inevitably will be after sunset of Sunday, ushering in the night of Monday to be the night for the rising of a full moon for Ramadan, in this year you are in,1442.
This is because the Sun will overtake the Moon, causing the crescent of Ramadan to be born on Sunday; hence, the Moon sets before sunset on Sunday, and it does so as a crescent in an overtaken state, therein the Sun has made its conjunction with the Moon while it’s in a crescent phase. The overtaking happens at the dawn of Monday. This dates Ramadan to be the first of Ramadan, 1442, but this date is according to the start of the Overtaken setting. Not all people will see that overtaken crescent. This is because the Sun is going to overtake the crescent of the month of Ramadan. How could you see a moonset (crescent) that will set before sunset; We (Allah as well as I) are truthful.
As for me, I know this (i.e., the overtaking) with the unequivocal knowledge that the Sun will overtake the Moon, and the crescent will be born before the eclipse, and the Sun will have a conjunction with the Moon while it is in a crescent moon phase. It is those obstructive individuals who deter people from believing in this sign of overtaking - a cosmic astrophysical phenomenon - right after it becomes clear to you that it is true. When you start your dialogue with the astrophysicists, you will say: “How is it possible for a full moon to appear before the arrival of the middle of the month? This would mean that we missed days of fasting during the month of Ramadan?” Then you will not find any answer from the astrophysicists except that they will take you for a fool and they will convince you with hocus-pocus talk made up by them, saying “that was because of the Earth’s geometrical location.” I swear by Allah, they tell you this basing it on nothing but their ego, and they know they are lying although they are astrophysicists. They do so for no other reason than that they do not want to let go of immutable scientific, astrophysical, unequivocal, truthful physics: that is, it has been that way ever since Allah created the heavens and the Earth, it is not possible for a new moon to be born before reaching the geocentric conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. This is a cosmic astrophysical rule; it stands alone as a fact and is agreed on by all. You would not find two people who would argue about its validity from among the astrophysicists, whether they are Muslim scientists, polytheistic scientists, or atheistic scientists. It is because the Geocentric New Moon between the Sun and Moon occurs in a universal moment in time calculated by the hour, minute and second. Therein, the Moon’s night is completely darkened from the side that is facing Earth. This is what was found by astrophysicists to be true in real life, without a doubt or reservation of the physics calculation and it is very precise as 1+1=2. This is astrophysics. No two individuals from among astrophysicists will argue about it, whether they are from the Muslims or the infidels, merely because, in reality, that is what always happens. And I, imam Al Mahdi (i.e., the Guided Leader), Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani, bear witness to the truth of that rule. For Allah names this astronomical rule “Aloorjoon Al Qadeem” (the formerly-painted-with-darkness phase), where there is perfect clarity in the great Qur’an. In accordance with Allah saying:
39. And the Moon - We have determined for it to traverse in phases, until it returns to the way it was, like when it was painted with darkness.
40. It is not for the Sun to overtake the Moon; nor does the night overtake the day. Each, in an orbit, keeps on swimming.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Ya’seen | Y. S.
Know that AL-‘URJOON AL-QADEEM is the face of the Moon before the lit phases of the lunar month. It is because it is night on the Moon when it faces Earth. This condition persists until the rounded Moon starts to embark from the Sun going east- then the crescent starts forming and it becomes apparent (to the naked eye) after 12 hours have passed- as mentioned in the great Qur’an. The (waxing) crescent of the first night of the (lunar) month appears after the month of Sha`ban has ended, taking into consideration each one’s observation (i.e., from their location on Earth) according to their horizon for the moonset. In line with Allah, exalted high He is, saying:
185. The month of Ramadan is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong). So, whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan i.e., is present at his locality), he must observe Saum (fasts) that month, and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Saum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you. (He wants) by that you complete the same number (of days), and by that you magnify Allah [i.e., to say Takbir (Allahu Akbar), Allah is the Most Great] for having guided you, and by that you may display gratitude.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Al-Baqara | The Cow
I am not from the ignorant, O kindred astrophysicists, and I do believe in your knowledge under one stipulation: that it would not contradict the physics from the Qur’an concerning astronomical science. But, O kindred astrophysicists, and never do we mean to address the lost folk, those who are acquainted with fortune telling and mysticism. I only mean astrophysicists, whom you will never find talking about fortunes, hocus-pocus, and fabrication. They are far from being smeared with such things, you will find them talking to you about the dates of the solar eclipse, the lunar eclipse and the rotation of the planets based on physics’ calculations. They do not practice Astrology. Those who are fortune tellers bring nothing but nonsense, hocus-pocus and fabrications which Allah did not construct to be an authority. Some of those Astrology folks are the Devil’s advocates. They are liars, for they are in allegiance with the Devil. Straightforward, I only address astrophysicists, and what I would like to say to all of them is: the basic principle of the former, darkened phase – AL-‘URJOON AL-QADEEM - for the Sun and the Moon (what you call the Geocentric New Moon for the Moon and the Sun), is an astronomical physics basic principle, ever since Allah created the heavens and Earth. However, this rule is not a “never-ending basic principle.” This is because there is an ending for this worldly life, which will start when the great, gravest portents for the great Hour begins. In accordance with Allah, exalted high He is, saying:
In the name of Allah, The All-Encompassing Merciful, The Ever-Continuously Merciful
1. (I swear) By the Sun and its morning brightness.
2. (I swear) By the Moon as it follows it (i.e., the Sun).
3. (I swear) By the day as it shows it (i.e., the crescent experiencing the overtaken phenomenon) in clear display.
4. "(I swear) By the night as it conceals it (i.e., the crescent experiencing the overtaken phenomenon).
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter As-Shams | The Sun

From among the gravest portents for the coming of the Hour is that the Sun will overtake the Moon, whereby the Moon will follow the Sun. This is due to the moonless phase happening before its set time; hence, the crescent is born before the Geocentric Moon Phase. The Moon will be in conjunction with the Sun as a crescent.
This is what will happen on the date of Sunday, the 29th of Sha'ban, for the year you are in, this year 1442. There will be no moon on Sunday, heralding the end of the month of Sha'ban; the formation of the crescent for the month of Ramadan begins before the Geocentric New Moon; The moon will set before sunset on Sunday, which (according to the lunar calendar) is the night of Monday. Therein, the moon sets as a crescent, meaning that the first part of the month of Ramadan, according to the overtaken calculation, is on Sunday evening (by the Gregorian calendar)/Monday night (by the Hijri calendar). Furthermore, the crescent of Ramadan will not be seen in its early days, because the Sun will overtake the Moon, a condition that keeps repeating itself; and is a part of the great, gravest portents. Since the Moon’s overtaking is going to happen at the farthest point east, this will mean this is going to be a great overtaking, the X X kind. As far as the full moon for the month that encompasses the Night of Decree (which is better than a 1000 months), in this Ramadan for this year you are in, 1442, it is going to be one Sunday evening/the night of Monday, (i.e., after the Sun sets on Sunday to herald the night of Monday.)
Perhaps all the astronomers from among the humans, both the Muslim and the infidel, would like to say: 'O Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani, this is impossible, because the night (of the week) of the full moon is the same as that for a new crescent moon at the beginning of the lunar month; and this, in itself (i.e., the Full Moon), occurs in the middle of the lunar month. It seems that you lack knowledge about the astronomical physics calculations! Don't you know, Nasser Muhammad, that the moonless phase of Sha'ban will be at 5:31a.m., the dawn of Monday? Under such a premise, it is impossible for the night of the middle of Ramadan for this year 1442 to be after the sunset of Sunday (by the Gregorian calendar)/Monday night (by the Hijri calendar). This is a very precise science of Astrophysics, with which no astrophysicist will disagree, not even for a second, about its accuracy! It is a global moment called the Geocentric New Moon; it is between the Sun and the Moon while being moonless. The moonless phase of the Sha'ban moon will not take place until 5:31a.m. on Monday, Mecca time, and two human beings are of no difference about this global moment; It means 2:31 UTC.'
Then Imam Al-Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani would respond to all the questioners and say: 'I am one of those who bear witness to this: the new crescent for the new month is not, and will not be, born before the Geocentric New Moon. It is because the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon happens when the Moon face is completely darkened, completely shunned from light; Thereafter, the Sun is not going to overtake the Moon, having been this way ever since Allah created the heavens and the Earth.
As per Allah, exalted high He is, saying,
39. And the Moon - We have determined for it to traverse in phases, until it returns to the way it was, like when it was in its initial recurring (i.e., darkness) phase.
40. It is not for the Sun to overtake the Moon; nor does the night overtake the day. Each, in an orbit, keeps on swimming.
Truthful is Allah, the Greatest.
Chapter Ya’seen | Y. S.
But this is a miraculous cosmic miracle extraordinary to astrophysics, which Allah made a universal sign to confirm the belief in the Trustee/Deputy of Allah to the worlds, Imam Al-Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani. Only he alone is informed, only the Trustee/Deputy of Allah, His servant, Imam Al-Mahdi, Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani, is given the firm knowledge about it. The full moon shines for the night of the middle of Ramadan after sunset on Sunday/Monday night. This is because the Sun will overtake the Moon, causing the new crescent moon to be born on Sunday, and the moonset will be before sunset for that Sunday/the night of Monday according to the Official Calendar Time for Mecca. The Moon will set as a new crescent for the month (Ramadan) and not the last waning crescent in the end of the month (Sha'ban).
I am not from the ignorant. I do know no one will see the new crescent the first month of Ramadan after sunset Sunday/Monday night, the starting night of Ramadan for the entire world; this is because this Ramadan’s crescent will set before the sunset of Sunday/Monday night. The setting takes place as it is being in an overtaken state, the Sun conjuncts with this crescent moon at the appointed time to set up Fajr (the dawn) prayer. It’s at the start of semi darkness, according to the Official Calendar Time for Mecca. As to the rising of the full moon for the month of Ramadan for this year you are in, 1442, it is going to be after sunset of Sunday/Monday night. The Moon will rise as a full moon to the entire world of observers in all points of the rising places in the east. The Moon will rise after sunset on Sunday/the night of Monday, the night for the middle of the month of Ramadan for this year you are in, 1442, a night that is worth more than a thousand solar months. Know this: the length of the solar month is a thousand months (on Earth) and is equivalent to eighty-three years and four months of what you count (on Earth). As for eighty-three years, it ends at the end of Ramadan. As for the four months, those sacred months end at the end of Muharram, the fourth of the sacred months, which is the same as the twelfth month of the lunar year. So will you be believers before the promise comes, from Allah, of the Grand Unveiling that will come with the planet of chastisement,” SAQAR,” or before a direct decree comes from Allah? Therein you will become regretful.
O people of Yemen, if Allah has not yet invaded you with the most ruthless little soldiers of Allah, then know with certainty that the flood of Saba (al-Aram) - on (all) of Yemen is an inevitable sign of the certainty to befall you.
O kindred from the entire world, we preach to you of coming signs of torment that are seen by air, land and sea in the whole world, as well as what Allah will dictate upon you from what they call corona, although it is not “corona”! I preach to you of what you call coronavirus’s new and very viscous soldiers, of which you did not expect. As the Arab saying goes: "You have not seen yet a hair from the camels ear," but the strong plot is coming from the Lord of the Worlds in the near future, nullifying all your vaccines, so that you will not be spared from Allah 's will, as in the similitude of a thirsty man seeing a mirage in a vast, flat area of desert, but he thinks, due to his thirst, that it’s water, until he reaches it, then finds it to be nothing.
O people of Yemen, even if Allah does not harm you with corona soldiers, He will not stroke your head (to comfort you), for you are turning your back even though Imam Al-Mahdi is among you! I can assure you that the sign that is the coming flood, the flood of the torrential torrent, in the valley (Wadi) Iram, will come on the whole of Yemen.
Do not approach what the floods will reveal, for it belongs to Imam Al-Mahdi Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani, the Trustee/Deputy of Allah over Yemen and the entire world.
For each of you, you get a share, as well as the countries all around the world who faced economic collapse. The fact is, Yemen is the capital of the global Islamic Kingdom of God, and what Allah has placed in it from the treasures of the ancient kingdoms was not haphazard; rather, it is meant to go to Allah’s assigned Trustee/Deputy over the entire world. It is a predetermined fate written in the Book, wherewith, to build Yemen, the capital of the global Islamic Kingdom of God. But this is after the subduing, hands down, of all Yemeni parties to the Trustee/Deputy of Allah, Imam Mahdi Nassir Muhammad. When that walk happens, then we will “talk the talk.”
O, Ali Abdullah Saleh, the floods will take you out of your hidden pit wherever you are! For I know that I have not made a fabrication in the name of Allah, that you are a testimonial sign to the world, like it or not, it is forced down your throat! You all will know, Allah willing, that we are honest about everything. I will not specify the times of torment, but rather we confirm it is coming, and judgment is for Allah, Who is the best of conquerors, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
Trustee/deputy of Allah to the entire world, Imam Mahdi, Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani
